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Click here to get all 4 workshops for just $111
In this workshop, I will show you EXACTLY how to get your kid to do what you want them to do, when you want them to do it, using connection instead of coercion. The big mistake parents are making is thinking they have to control their child’s behavior. When their child doesn’t do what they’re told the first time, parents resort to bribery, punishment, coercion, cajoling, or even just straight-up begging!
Parents hate to admit this, but they want kids to do what they’re told to do. They want their kids to “listen” (ahem…obey!) But they don’t want to be mean or scary or do something that will damage their relationship. I will teach you how to have both – a cooperative kid AND your relationship intact.
In this workshop, I will teach you to:
- check in with yourself
- check in with you child
- make a connection
- use the most effective tool for eliciting cooperation (play!)
- Unlimited access to the replay!
Bundle & Save!
Click here to get all 4 workshops for just $111
**Important note** - by purchasing this workshop, you will be subscribed to my email list so that I can send you information about the workshop (login, zoom links, handouts, etc.). You may unsubscribe at any time.